About Talking Walking


Listen to artists, specialists and walkers talking about how walking inspires their work and shapes our world. Simply subscribe to these free podcasts.

If you have something to say about the world of walking, we encourage you to contribute comments and get in touch so we may record an interview with you for a future podcast. Email us at Talking Walking

Some history – we celebrated our tenth year anniversary in 2018

A Walking and Art residency at the Banff Centre in the Canadian Rockies in October 2007, was the setting for a number of interviews with artists who incorporate walking in their practice. How to share their enthusiasms was the challenge, and Talking Walking, became a solution.

Talking Walking is a project set up by Andrew Stuck, the Founding Director of the Museum of Walking, and design consultancy Rethinking Cities.  Rethinking Cities provides advice to the built environment, health and transport sectors, so Andrew is in a unique position to interview artists and specialists from the world of walking. Andrew is also co-producer of walk · listen · create and founder of Sound Walk September. Andrew has been featured in Country Walking magazine (March 2018) interviewed by Nick Hallissey, who Andrew interviewed for Talking Walking here.  Andrew has been recorded in conversation with Rick Pearson as part of his Londons Peaks podcast in April 2018 – you can listen our side of the story here.

What you will find on Talking Walking: Primarily, we publish podcasts.  Our intention is to publish a new 15-30 minute podcast every 6 to 8 weeks – we are currently keeping to a monthly schedule, publishing on the last Thursday of every month.  Issues or sources mentioned in these podcasts will be listed and where possible links will be created so you can follow up on the topics or issues discussed.

Use this facility to e mail comments, (we will endeavour to incorporate them in forthcoming podcasts).

Want to listen to our podcasts through Apple podcasts?  You can – since July 2022, Talking Walking has reclaimed its rightful place, having had episodes 27 to 125 lost in the ether of Apple’s directory – subscribe from here.  You can also subscribe to our episodes via Spotify. We will be launching on other platforms too, once we’ve cracked how to do it!

We marked our 5th anniversary in 2013 by asking thought leaders to make a 5 year walking forecast. Why not listen to these brief predictions to find out who came closest to the reality?

During the pandemic, we asked wise walkers to conjure a 20×20 Vision for walking in 20 years time – listen to their visions here.

Talking Walking brings you on-location interviews and several recorded using Internet telephony.  We try to provide a variety of voices for you to listen to, including designers, artists, activists, writers and those of us who have a passion for just taking a walk.